At a forum of clan WCP, in section «For those who wishes...» The candidate should leave the demand for the introduction in the SEPARATE theme with OBLIGATORY instructions:
1. A real name;
2. Age;
3. Residing places, including the country and settlement;
4. Game nik;
5. The game experience in Cossacks (month or);
6. Ranks on game servers (in the presence of those);
7. Left and all before used nik's it is obligatory;
8. What options and what nations plays most successfully;
9. Former clans (if earlier consisted);
10. Why has decided to enter clan WCP;
11. The valid e-mail address and ICQ for communication;
12. Who exactly from clansmen makes the recommendation on the introduction into a clan. - Other information can be given at will, or at the desire of clansmen.
- Without the recommendation on the introduction into a clan from outside at least its one member the demand is not considered.
- The trial period to each candidate is established individually, but not less than 1 month.
- In a trial period voting of all fighting structure of a clan is taken and the player is considered passed a trial period and accepted in a clan, ONLY after 100 % of approval of its nominee all fighting structure of a clan.